
Input parameter



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No data found


Search url   

Show search url proxy   


Result list

#   Portal Package ID Lang Country Title Detail


Detail - package

The Federated Multilanguage Search Engine is base on the opensource project Apache Solr. Please refer to the official documentation to have a comprehensive guide

Usefull link for documentation and tutorial

Wiki Solr Query Sintax
Wiki Solr Query Parameters
Tutorial on Query Sintax

Apache Solr



Use Case Semantic Multilanguage Search     


Below a quick summary of the parameters needed to construct a search query



The search url is composed in this way context/select/? parameters
Base url Search context Parameters


Base URL

Is the root of every query


Search Context

documents the data indexed
ontology the data indexed*:*



This is the main parameter, the search string

Logical operator AND, OR and NOT are supported. Is enough put search terms in brackets separated by <space>operator<space>

Free text, to search everything use *:*
Search inputParameter qUrl
Search data with both term acqua and Piemonte q=(acqua AND Piemonte) View
Search data with at least one term among acqua and Piemonte q=(acqua OR Piemonte) View
Search data with term acqua and not Piemonte q=(acqua NOT Piemonte) View
The logical operator AND, OR and NOT must be UPPERCASE


the input language: when specified the search engine check if there is a correspondence in EuroVoc of the search terms (parameter q) and uses it. If not specified or if there isn't corrispondation, the search engine performs a literal search
  • el - ελληνικά
  • en - English
  • es - Españoles
  • fr - Français
  • it - Italiano
  • sl - Slovencina
  • sr - Српски


Filter on query: it can be used multiple times in a single query, to filter on multiple values. The syntax is fq=field%3A(values separated by 'or' or 'and'). For example to filter with output language in english and portal from or fq=language%3A(en)&fq=portal%3A( The colon between the field and the value must be encoded (%3A)
  • language
  • portal
  • tag


The first record for pagination. Default value: (zero), the first record
An integer number


The number of records, for pagination. Default value: 10
An integer number


The output format. Default value: xml
  • json
  • xml
The sort order. Specify the field and if ascending or descending. For example to sort by author descending use &sort=author%20desc The space between the field and the order must be encoded (%20)

In the utility section is explained how to retreive all the possible values

  • author
  • portal
  • ...

Some useful features to help on developing the search page

  1. Check EuroVOC tag validity
  2. Check EuroVOC tags in portals
  3. Autocomplete text field with EuroVOC tags
  4. Server Proxy
  5. Tag Cloud


1 - Check EuroVOC tag validity

Insert a tag, and check if it is an EuroVOC tag


2 - Check EuroVOC tags in portals

Choose an open data portal and check how many datasets contain EuroVOC tags

With this functionality is possible count how many dataset in an open data portal contain at least one EuroVOC tag. In the detail page, is possible to see all the datasets and their tags, where are highlighted in green datasets and tags EuroVOC compatible


3 - Autocomplete text field with EuroVOC tags

This example shows how to implement a text input with suggest on EuroVOC tags. The example load all the avaibles tags, in the url used by the ajax call is possible to add filters (eg languages)

Suggests found: 0 - URL used   

How it works

This example uses the javascript plugin typeahead.js and it supposed that the input text has id='suggestText' and the language select has id='suggestLang'

var suggest = $("#suggestText").val();	
var lang = $("#suggestLang").val();								
var suggesttUrl = URL_PROXY_ONTOLOGY+encodeURIComponent("search_text_"+lang+":"+suggest+"*&start=0&rows=20&wt=json");							
	source: function( request, response ) {
		$.ajax({ dataType: "json",url: suggesttUrl}).done(function( data ) {
				var suggests = new Array();
				$.each(, function(index, doc) {
					suggests[index] =  doc.term;
				return response(suggests);

4 - Server Proxy

Due to the same origin policy is not possible via javascript upload the contents of the search query directly in the page. This problem can be easily solved by providing a simple server side proxy that routes the calls

Below is an example of a proxy written in php.

Client - Javascript

// example1:  javascript query url that search  everythings in data and response the first 20 records in json format
var urlDocument = "proxy.php?path="+("documents/select/")+"&params=q=" +encodeURIComponent("*:*&start=0&rows=20&wt=json");

// example2:  javascript query url that search the term water in the ontology and response the first 10 records in json format
var urlDocument = "proxy.php?path="+("ontology/select/")+"&params=q=" +encodeURIComponent("term:water&start=0&rows=10&wt=json");

Server - Proxy PHP

  $url = "".$_GET['path']."?".$_GET['params'];
  $result = file_get_contents($url);
  // choose the output format 
  if (strpos($url,'wt=xml') !== false) {
	header('Content-type: application/xml');
	header('Content-type: application/json');
  echo $result;

5 - Tag Cloud

This example shows how to create a tag cloud. Via Javascript ask to the Federated Search Engine the statistics on Tag used, than populate a tag cloud.

Load tag url   

Show load tag url proxy   


<div  id='tagCloudPanel'></div>


	width: 500px;
	height: 400px;

.tag-cloud-item {
	text-align: center;
	padding: .3em;
	font-weight: bold;



function loadCloudTags(){
  var tagsArray =  {"Tag": "Count"};
  // the url to get the statistic on tags ordered by count descending
  var action ="*:*&rows=0&facet=true&facet.limit=-1&wt=json&facet.sort=count&facet.field=tag";
  var url_facet = URL_PROXY_DOCUMENTS + encodeURIComponent(action);
  $.ajax({ dataType: "json",url: url_facet}).done(function( data ) {
    var counter = 0;
    var maxCount = 0;
    var minCount = 0;
    // loop on the first 30 records and save the max and the min occourrence
    $.each(data.facet_counts.facet_fields["tag"], function(value, label) {
      if(counter % 2 == 0){
        var count = data.facet_counts.facet_fields["tag"][value+1];
        tagsArray[label]= count;
        if(count>maxCount) maxCount = count;
        if(count font bigger
    var maxFontSize = 32;
    var minFontSize = 4;
    var cloudHtml = "";
    counter = 0;
    var tagCloudItems = new Array();
    // prepare the html items for the cloud
    $.each(tagsArray, function(label, count) {
      // the firs row is the labels (tag, count)
        // font size as a percentage of the number of occurrences
        var fontSize = minFontSize+(count-minCount)/(maxCount-minCount)*(maxFontSize-minFontSize);
        tagCloudItems[counter-1] = "<span class='tag-cloud-item' style='font-size:"+Math.round(fontSize)+"px'>"+label+"</span> ";
    // randomize the tags order!
    tagCloudItems.sort(function() {
      return .5 - Math.random();
    // finnally add the tags to the cloud
    $.each(tagCloudItems, function(index, value ) {
      cloudHtml += value;


Some useful features to help on developing the search page

  1. Homer category distribution
  2. Portals distribution
  3. Tags distribution
  4. EuroVOC Concepts in Portals distribution

1 - Homer category distribution


2 - Portals distribution


3 - Tags distribution


4 - EuroVOC Concepts in Portals distribution
